
Onboarding System

The Customer

An Urgent Care hospital chain had to conduct a large volume of daily COVID tests and had very less reception staff to onboard the patients. The hospital was short on staff to conduct the COVID tests. The patient queue was an average 5 hr wait a day and the hospital had to sometimes stop taking any further patients due to the overload.

Key Challenges

  • Patient had to physically stand in the queue for long hours for a COVID test
  • Patient had no means to book an appointment in advance
  • At the reception the patient had to provide an identification, fill a long form and then wait in another queue for the test
  • A lot of times, after standing in the long queue for hours, the patients could not be given an appointment leading to high levels of patient frustration and dissatisfaction.

Percipience Solutions

  • One-Click patient QR code based onboarding, registration, appointment, payment & booking
  • Real-time information on the volume of patients at the center to indicate the overall rush at the hospital.
  • QR code based appointment booking at hospital location.
  • Dynamic QR code generation at the Hospital display with geo-tagged OTP verification on the patient’s mobile app to avoid forging
  • Algorithm to indicate approximate COVID test appointment time based on the real-time volume of patients
  • Simple patient onboard process with identification document upload and real-time online fee-based verification to confirm identity of the individual
  • Automated notifications and reminders as the appointment time was approaching based on the patients physical distance from the hospital
  • Digital reports of the test results for quick action


  • HIPPA compliance approval process
  • Old age patients without smart phones having capability to scan QR codes


  • Staggering reduction in queue from arrival to Appointment time from 5 hrs to 10 mins
  • Much higher level of patient satisfaction with patient complaints reduced by over 70%
  • Much less chances of exposure of healthy individuals to the actual COVID patients in the queue


3 months

  • Start

  • Designing - 3 Weeks

  • Development - 2 months

  • LIVE

    • Testing/UAT - 3 weeks

    • Phase II

      • Prototyping - 1.5 months

  • Support - 3 months

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