
Management System

The Customer

A multi-speciality hospital spread across states & timezones undertakes over 300+ minor and major surgeries and operations per day. The hospital did most of its work through their legacy software that was built over a decade ago. Most of the information was on excel sheets manually uploaded at different locations by different departments.

Key Challenges

  • High volume of manual data entry and excel upload to portals of different departments
  • No inter-department data or software connectivity leading to high manual data entry cost and risk for human error in manual data entry
  • Door-to-door, paper-based approval process in both intra and inter departments leading to convoluted dependencies and delays
  • Information retrieval a daunting task causing productivity leakages
  • Lack of real-time access to information on any patient or department or approval
  • Higher insurance processing times and delayed insurance claims.
  • No management dashboard to get an overall status of the operations

Percipience Solutions

  • Creating detailed workflows for all the departments, dependencies, approvals, validations etc for all the processes being executed on a daily basis in different locations
  • Seamless operability within departments in a secured environment
  • Auto escalations and approvals processes to run with least human intervention for most of the mundane tasks
  • Highly configurable system to enable creation of custom workflows dynamically to suit the growing needs of the hospitals.
  • Better risk management and mitigation planning with holistic view of the entire hospital resources, infrastructure and costs
  • Complete patient life-cycle management through the platform from patient onboarding to patient discharge
  • Management dashboard to better manage the overall performance of individual departments and business as a whole. Real-time monitoring of emergencies, complaints, overheads, costs, inventory etc.


  • New system adoption by the hospital staff
  • As the majority of the patient pool were senior citizens, digital technology adoption was a challenge initially.


  • Average Staff attrition reduced by over 250% due to organized processes reducing the additional work that the staff had to take up to address the needs of the growing patient base.
  • Increase in over 30% savings for the hospital in labour, inventory and operations costs.
  • Reduced insurance processing times and higher number of successful claims
  • Hospitals didn't have to deny the appointment to any patients any longer as they were able to plan the visits in a much organized manner.


6 Months

  • Start

  • Prototyping - 1 month

  • Designing - 1 month

  • Development - 3 months

  • LIVE

    • Testing/UAT - 1 month

    • Phase II

      • Prototyping - 1.5 months

  • Support - 3 months

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